Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Maybe I'm a "Lefty"

Bill Johnson once said that there are specific meanings to physical manifestations of the Spirit that occur one one side of the body or the other. If I've got it correctly, things that happen on the right side signal that something's happening over which one is to take authority; things that happen on the left side have to do with one's purpose or calling in this world.

Now here's where it gets weird.

Nearly all of my life, I've had physical manifestations accompanying certain types of thoughts on my right side. Only in recent years (say, the past eight or so) have I had any analogous manifestations on my left side, but they're developing and, in fact, have been growing more powerful as time has progressed. These left-sided physical signs accompany thoughts of a nature pretty well opposed to the thoughts that bring on right-sided manifestations. Only once or twice can I remember having both sides go at once, perplexing the heck out of me.

I've never thought of these as more than natural manifestations; always wanted to find a neuroscientist (a real one) who would put all kinds of electrodes on my skin and show me sequences of images, to which I'd react with neural cascades from either my right or my left sides, and do some crazy cool analysis of it all. But I've got to ask myself: what if they've been more-than-natural manifestations all this time?

When I was first reaching out to God a couple of years ago -- first very faintly and then increasingly strongly -- I could (and still can) tell when a heavenly presence comes to me by a concurrent manifestation on my left side. Bill Johnson said that what he'd thought of as a heavenly presence (before he learned what it all meant) came on his right side. The first time I heard this, I was greatly discouraged and the only self-redemptive idea seemed to be that perhaps I was just a "lefty," in the same way that a small portion of the population writes, paints, or bats with the left hand dominant.

All I know is that currently, I have more manifestations than I know what to do with. I need help and guidance to learn what these signals mean and how He might want to implement whatever gifts I may have based on these manifestations, from the little "nudges" to the rampant cascades.

Anyone else have experience with this? Please do comment, even if it's just to say I'm a wacko and should, at most, just seek out a neuroscientist (a real one).

Post a public comment below or email directly


  1. Under of the heading of gratuitous and annoying neuroscientific persiflage, I'll venture to offer up the following:

    In the majority of humans, activity in the right brain (the observable anatomical side-effects of which always manifest -- due to "cross-wiring" -- on the left side of the body) is associated with the visual, artistic, intuitive, and (hence, plausibly) the more "spiritual" aspects of cognition, whereas the neurons resident in the left hemisphere (home of the Broca's Area, et. al.) tend more to implement our linguistic, analytical and strictly ratiocinative functionality. Not to suggest there's any dichotomy between faith and reason (God having granted us the latter), but again, it would seem reasonable to expect that people whose brains were organized with the statistically more common division of labor *would* experience left-body feelings in conjunction with a high level of "spiritual" activation, since that would bespeak activity on the right-hand side of the noggin. On the other hand (so to speak), you're exactly right that many people, for reasons genetic or sometimes compensatory (as when reasons occur for a reallocation of that "division of labor), are both left-handed and left-brained for the visual/artistic/intuitive aspects of human cognition. *Some* people, though, appear to cross all boundaries and perform both kinds of activities on both sides (of the corpus callosum), and I tend to suspect you're one of those. Though Einstein is famous for his observation that "God doesn't play dice with the universe," he really only meant to express his discomfort with Heisenbergian indeterminacy. As a believing (or even just spiritually-oriented), you're still a bit of a statistical anomaly. Actually, I know you know all this (and you know I know you know it), but it may be of interest (or useful effect in alleviating insomnia) to some of your other readers.

  2. 100,000,000,000 neurons can't be wrong. Are you still awake?

  3. I do not think that word means what everyone is going to think you mean for it to be meaning. :) (My name Inigo Montoya. You killed my cheeseburger. Prepare to order chicken strips.)

  4. That's leftIST, not leftY; in proposing I'm the latter (with no comment as to the former), I leave it to the reader (perhaps to my detriment) to recognize the distinction between the two characterizations. :)

    Also: good thing I like chicken strips.
